A warm welcome to SIO Europe 2025 from the Co-Presidents

Doctors Nina Fuller-Shavel, Eran Ben-Arye and Massimo Bonucci are delighted to invite you to this highly anticipated and esteemed conference in June 2025. This event is a must-attend for healthcare professionals who are committed to whole-person cancer care, offering the latest insights in integrative oncology from leading experts across Europe and the Middle East. The full programme will be available shortly and will feature in-depth discussions across multiple specialties and unparalleled networking opportunities with UK and international colleagues.

If you are passionate about evidence-based whole person support for individuals affected by cancer throughout the care continuum, we look forward to welcoming you to Oxford and SIO Europe 2025.

Dr Eran Ben-Arye

Prof. Eran Ben-Arye has an MD degree from the Faculty of Medicine of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Prof. Ben-Arye is on the faculty of the Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, and since 2022 serves as the Chairman, Department of family Medicine, in the Faculty of Medicine.

Prof. Ben-Arye is the founder and director of the Integrative Oncology Program at Lin, Carmel, and Zebulun Medical Centers, Haifa, Israel. He has been the chairperson of the Israel Society for Complementary Medicine of the Israel Medical Association. He is the Primary Researcher of the Middle East Research Group in Integrative Oncology (MERGIO) within the Middle East Cancer Consortium (MECC) and is an elected member of the Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO) Board of Trustees and serves as the SIO Regional Ambassador to Europe and the Middle-East.

His research interests include integrative and complementary medicine, family medicine, integrative oncology, medical education, doctor-patient communication, evidence-based medicine and research, and traditional and cross-cultural medicine. He has authored and co-authored 205 manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals published in Pubmed/Medline and 9 chapters in oncology textbooks concerning integrative oncology, doctor-patient communication, sociology and nutrition.

Prof. Ben-Arye has constructed and co-conducted more than 20 clinical studies in the area of complementary and integrative medicine, including five randomized controlled studies. He is assigned as Associate Editor for Integrative Oncology in the BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care and as an Integrative Medicine section editor in Current Psychiatry Reports.

Dr Massimo Bonucci

Dr Massimo Bonucci M.D. is Chief of Clinical Pathology and Surgical Pathology and Outpatient Ongology in San Feliciano Hospital-Rome - Italy; he is member of IAP (International Academy of Pathology-Italian Division). He focused his work to FNAC/FNAB to breast cancer; brain cancer and colon cancer. For ten years he had collaborative experience with Dr. Nieper (late President German Society of Oncology); after he introduced the use and development of integrative medicine on cancer patients in Italy.

Graduated on Clinical Oncology from University of Pisa, Dr Bonucci works as Consultant Oncologist for Integrative treatments to some Hospital in Rome, Perugia and Milan (Italy). He works as Consultant Oncologist and Surgical Pathologist with I.S.S. (National Health Service) in news research for integrative use from chemotherapy and natural medicaments. Prof. Bonucci is founder and President of ARTOI (Associazione Ricerca Terapie Oncologiche Integrate) a non-profit organization, first in Italy, for to explain and to develop the Integrative medicine in cancer. He use also complementary therapies and nutrition for prevention.

He is Professor of the G. Marconi University Centro Studi Scienza della vita in Rome, for Integrative Oncology of postgraduate program and the same program in University of Chieti. He is working on a book, ‘Integrative Oncology in Italy”. Prof Bonucci has organized the International meeting of Integrative Oncology in Rome from 2009 to 2016.

Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel

Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel is an award winning Oxbridge-trained integrative medicine physician scientist and educator with over a decade’s experience in integrative healthcare. Dr Fuller-Shavel holds 4 Oxbridge degrees, including MB BChir (Medicine) and MA Hons Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge and distinctions in MSc Precision Cancer Medicine and PG Dip Health Research from the University of Oxford. Dr Fuller-Shavel is a Fellow of the College of Medicine, the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) and the Royal Society of Arts (RSA). Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel has co-chaired the BSIO (British Society for Integrative Oncology) over 2021-2023 and is the current Co-Chair of the BSIO Education Committee. Dr Fuller-Shavel is the SIO (Society for Integrative Oncology) Global Ambassador to the UK and the Co-Chair of the SIO Global Committee, actively contributing to several other SIO committees and special interest groups. Alongside her extensive scientific and medical training, Dr Fuller-Shavel holds multiple qualifications in nutrition, integrative medicine, health coaching, herbal medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, yoga, mindfulness and other therapeutic approaches. Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel has also recently co-authored the book ‘Integrative Oncology in Breast Cancer Care’ with Dr Penny Kechagioglou published by Springer in March 2024. 

Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel is the founder and Director of Synthesis Clinic, an innovative multidisciplinary practice in Hampshire, specialising in women’s health, integrative pain care and integrative cancer care (integrative oncology) for children and adults. Alongside her clinical work, Dr Fuller-Shavel is a guest lecturer in integrative medicine for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and delivers independent educational courses for medical and nutrition professionals, including her Systems Approach to Cancer Programme. Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel participates in research in integrative oncology and precision health, is an expert integrative and supportive oncology abstract reviewer for international conferences and journals, and contributes to journal editorial boards (NMJ and IJIO) and guideline development panels nationally and internationally. Finally, Dr Fuller-Shavel holds two integrative oncology non-profit roles as the CEO of the UK NCIO (National Centre for Integrative Oncology) charity and the Co-Founder and Director of Oncio CIC, supporting access to services and best clinical practice and research in integrative oncology. 

SIO Europe 2025 Abstract Submissions

The SIO Europe 2025 Conference Co-presidents and the Scientific Committee are delighted to accept abstract submissions aligned to the conference theme. Please note that for practical purposes a number of modalities had to be grouped and if you are not sure, please select Other as your abstract category.

Main abstract submission topics are outlined below:

  • Integrative oncology in supporting targeted therapies and immunotherapy

  • Intersection between precision and integrative oncology

  • Paediatric integrative oncology

  • Nutrition and natural products

  • Exercise oncology

  • Psycho-oncology

  • Lifestyle medicine from prevention and in-treatment support through to survivorship and living well with cancer

  • Health coaching

  • Mind-body therapies

  • Herbal medicine

  • Traditional medicine systems, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Traditional Arabic and Islamic Medicine (TAIM) and Ayurveda

  • Commonly used therapeutic approaches in Europe and the Middle East, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, touch therapies, anthroposophical medicine and mistletoe therapy

Please note the key deadlines below:

  • Abstract submissions open - 17th February 2025

  • Abstract submissions close - 17th March 2025

  • Decisions by the Scientific Committee will be issued by 21st April 2025.

Please submit your abstract using the button below. The abstracts will be assessed according to the following categories.

  • Scientific Rigour: Abstracts should demonstrate a strong research design, appropriate sample size, and robust methodology.

  • Relevance to Integrative Oncology: The research presented should clearly align with the principles and practices of integrative oncology.

  • Clarity and Presentation: Abstracts should be well-written, logical, and easy to understand, with a clear presentation of data.

  • Novelty and Impact: Studies that present new findings or significant and impactful advancements in the IO field and delivery of IO care are prioritised. Evaluation includes consideration of equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging.

  • Conference Theme Alignment: Abstracts should be relevant to the specific theme of the SIO Europe conference above.